Acupuncture uses very fine needles inserted at specific points on the body. These points are found along channels (also called meridians) which flow all over the body, forming a network. Gentle stimulation of these points allows vital substances such as qi (energy) and blood to flow freely, which stops pain, improves circulation, and promotes healing. The free, unimpeded movement of qi and blood is the basis of health, and acupuncture seeks to restore this movement to promote wellness and comfort in both the physical body and the mind. Read more about acupuncture here.
Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbs are medicinal substances that may include various plant parts, minerals, and occasionally animal products. A Chinese herbal formula consists of several herbs combined together to treat specific conditions. There are hundreds of classical formulas, and we can modify these formulas to address your condition. Herbs come in many forms and have varying costs. Read more about herbs here.
Moxibustion (also called moxa) is the burning of an herb called mugwort (artemesia) near the skin. This is done to promote movement of blood and qi (energy), or to warm the body and facilitate organ function. Moxa is very safe and most people find it pleasant and relaxing. Some people say it feels like lying in the sun!
Cupping uses glass cups and gentle suction to draw impurities and pathogens out through the skin. The cups may be left in place, or may be pushed gently over lubricated skin. Most people find cupping intense, but quite pleasant. Cupping is really useful when there is muscle tightness and tension. It can also be used for respiratory conditions like colds, bronchitis, and asthma.
Infrared Heat Lamp
Infrared heat lamps can be used to decrease pain, stiffness, spasms, and swelling. It will make you feel warm and cozy while you take your nap! The infrared heat is delivered by a heat lamp positioned 18"-24" above your body and can be used while you have acupuncture points in.
Gua Sha
Gua sha refers to the use of a Chinese soup spoon to release pathogens, and to encourage the healing and regrowth of injured or damaged tissue. The spoon is rubbed vigorously over skin that has been lubricated with oil or Vaseline. Gua sha is very effective in the treatment of muscle knots, pinched nerves, and high fevers.
Diet Therapy
Food choices are an important part of healing, and Chinese medicine has its own perspective on foods that can promote wellness and help you recover from illnesses; for example, Chinese medicine theory suggests that cooking your vegetables can help your body process and digest your food more efficiently. We choose foods based on their flavors, natures, and temperatures, and this can correct many types of imbalances in your body.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are very fragrant and aromatic, and are extracted from a variety of both everyday and exotic plants. Some commonly used essential oils include lavender, geranium, various citrus fruits, and rosemary. While not a traditional part of Chinese medicine, essential oils can enhance the effects of your treatment, and may be used to help you relax during your session.